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How much does it cost to develop a travel app?

I want to develop a travel app to be used within Australia. How much do you think this is likely to cost (through an app development agency)?

Top voted answer
Ossiana Tepfenhart

Ossiana Tepfenhart, House Writer at Empire State Crew

If you want to develop a travel app, then you're going to have to set aside a pretty nasty budget. Developing a travel app is going to be a bit more involved than most other types of projects. You have to remember that app development agencies tend to charge by the complexity of the app, as well as its features. 

With that said, you should plan to pay a lot and be prepared to answer a ton of questions. Before you even walk in, you have to remember that app development agencies are going to want to know the following: 

  • What kind of features do you need? Are you going to need to be able to search up hotels? Book taxis? Find a new adventure group? In a lot of ways, the feature types will determine the price. Multi-platform integrations can cost extra, especially if they go beyond "standards" like Facebook. 
  • Are there integrations that you already can add in? If not, you will have to have them developed for the app. Each integration will cost more and if you need to get it custom-made, then you are going to have to pay for that. 
  • How many security features do you need? More security additions means you will need to get more price. 
  • What is the time frame that you need to have this done in? Speed can cost extra, but for travel apps you might want to simply set aside a time frame of 6 to 9 months as a minimum. 

Travel app development is particularly complex, which means that you may end up having to spend at least $300,000 to $750,000 to get it off the ground. While the average app development price through an app firm is $171,450, travel apps are far more involved than a normal app. 

You have to remember that the average price of an app developer is $150 per hour. You're going to have to parse that out into what equates to a salary over the course of months or even years. So, if you want to hire someone to do it, make sure that they are worth it and that you have the money to avoid a waste. 


App Development

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