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What are the benefits of opt in email marketing?

Do you use an opt-in email list? What are the advantages of using opt-in email marketing vs opt-out?

Ossiana Tepfenhart

Ossiana Tepfenhart, House Writer at Empire State Crew

Opt-in email marketing is something I feel like everyone should use. Do you use opt-in email marketing, may I ask? If you don't, you absolutely should. There are several major benefits of opti-in email marketing that you should consider...


Most countries have anti-spam laws that basically ban the practice of opt-out email marketing. You might get sued if you "go in cold" with your clients. This is the fastest way to avoid getting sued. 


There is no way to make it clearer: asking people for permission to market to them gives people way more confidence in your brand. We live in a world where privacy is fading away. We don't like having our privacy invaded, nor do we like the idea of having our information bought by companies. 

When you ask for permission, it shows that you put the client in control of the information they share. This gives them more confidence in your company and shows that you care about how they feel on the subject.


Better Image

Speaking of confidence, it's just an overall smarter look for your brand. No one wants to work with a company that randomly sends unsolicited emails to people who may or may not want to buy from them. That makes you look sketchy. 


An Interested Audience

Here's the cool thing about opt-in email marketing: it tells you who wants to buy from you. When you have people opt-in to your campaign, they're already signaling that they are at least slightly interested in what you have to say. It also shows how quickly your company's reputation is growing. 

Better Results

It's easier to convince a person who's interested to buy your product than to try to win over someone who has no idea who you are. That tends to lead to better ROI and higher success rates. 


Email Marketing

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