Ling Lee
Ling Lee at Digital Marketing and Personal Branding

How much original content did you have to produce in order to gain the traffic and engagement that Ozbargain has now?

Hi Scott, I'm pretty interested in how you started out - you mentioned that it started out as a blog. How much original content did you have to produce, and at what point did you switch over to the format Ozbargain is now?

Top voted answer
Scott Yang

Scott Yang, Founder at

Top 20% Online Business

The misconception here is that the blog was there to pivot what's now the OzBargain.

Not really the case.

The OzBargain blog was originally started back in 2005 as somehow writing was a leisure at that point in time (had 3-4 blogs back then in various topics). Bargains were just some of the things I liked to write about & share with friends. It only evolved into OzBargain when I'm getting too many emails from other consumers and merchants requesting to have their deals featured on the blog. I "had enough" so built a site so they can post the deals themselves.

However prior to OzBargain launched in Nov 2006, I've probably written maybe 100+ blog posts. Again -- no advertising, no marketing but just search engines picking up those content.


Content Marketing

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