Content Marketing Q&A

John Eustace added an answer to this question
John Eustace

John Eustace, Principal / Communications and Media Strategist at Bells and Whistles Marketing Pty Ltd

Top 10%

The differences between a Copywriter & an SEO Copywriter
Whilst essential wordsmith skills are shared by both and many practitioners cross-over between the two publication mediums, there are a number of individual disciplines that business owners should be aware of.
A copywriter ...  expand
John Eustace

, Principal / Communications and Media Strategist at Bells and Whistles Marketing Pty Ltd

1 in every 5 mobile searches is initiates via voice that means that SEO copywriters also need to have an understanding of Schema mark-up formats as it is critical to gaining an optimum search engine ranking in about 12% of all Google searches! Each device has a slightly different strategy for voice search optimisation. Google takes 'Answer Boxes' into consideration when giving voice search results. Whereas if you ask Alexa what apartments are for lease in Manly, you’ll likely get voice search results based on northern beaches postcodes. The way website owners currently think about content and keywords needs to change, as almost every competing website uses identical descriptive copy terms. Most voice searches have more than five words and are literally spoken – as real people talk. When you’re optimising content for voice, you need to use words and phrase strings that people say when they’re asking a real question. "What is available for under $500 in Camberwell?" or "show me the best beachside homes for sale on the central coast." There are loads of ways to rise above the crowd if you web developer and copywriter understand and follow Schema mark-up formats when defining their SEO strategy.

Melanie Gray added an answer to this question
Melanie Gray

Melanie Gray, Managing Owner at MyCL (My Computer Lab)

Top 10%

Simply put, it's a website where non-technical people can change parts of the website. There is no need for a web programmer to do these changes.

Some CMSs are more complicated to set-up and use than others.

Allen Jame added an answer to this question
Allen Jame

Allen Jame, Blogger at Zappedia

Blogging is what people mostly do to kill boredom. Look at this now to discover more ways to kill boredom online. 

Step 1: Decide – Create Free Blog or Self-Hosted Blog?
So yes, you can start your blog for nothing. However, as with most things in life, just because ...  expand
Amanda Kostro Miller added an answer to this question
Amanda Kostro Miller

Amanda Kostro Miller, Copywriter & Content Marketing Writer at

It's important to understand that experienced copywriters do not charge per word of copy. If there's a copywriter who says they'll charge per word on your landing page, red flag!
Copywriting is all about brevity, but getting the message across in the fewest words possible is much ...  expand
Lisa Creffield added an answer to this question
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Lisa Creffield

Lisa Creffield, Founder at Videography & Writing

First person 100%.
But try to avoid "I" as much as possible. The more you can generalise and universalise your experience, the more it brings readers in and the more powerful it becomes. For example:
"I've never liked standing in a bank queue"
"No one likes standing in a bank queue" ...  expand
George Grimekis CPA

, Accountant at Alpha Omega Accounting & Business Solutions

Thankyou Lisa for that insight.

Scott Yang added an answer to this question
Top voted answer
Scott Yang

Scott Yang, Founder at

Top 20%
The misconception here is that the blog was there to pivot what's now the OzBargain.
Not really the case.
The OzBargain blog was originally started back in 2005 as somehow writing was a leisure at that point in time (had 3-4 blogs back then in various topics). Bargains were just some of the things I liked ...  expand
Katina Beveridge added an answer to this question
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Katina Beveridge

Katina Beveridge, Director at Strategic Online

Hi Leanne,The best content marketing strategy is to write and publish content online which is written for your target audience especially ones that you’re sure they’ll love and consume. The web is full of content that is not interesting. The user experience for your website or the amount of time ...  expand
Jef Lippiatt added an answer to this question
Jef Lippiatt

Jef Lippiatt, Owner at Startup Chucktown

I have some limited experience with this process. I have submitted articles I've written to Strategy + Business. They are probably between FastCompany and Harvard Business Review. Unfortunately, my submission never went anywhere.
I do know a contributor to the Inc. and Entrepreneur but he has said ...  expand
Jules Brooke

, Founder and Director at author2audio

Hi Frank. Most big blogs and websites are still looking for content so it's definitely worth a try. You will need to show them 2-3 articles that you have written, as examples of your style and the subjects that you can write about. then, I would pick up the phone and try calling the editor (if you can get a number) or email them (if you can't get a number) asking if you could be considered as a regular contributor. Most will want to try you once or twice (ie. publish some one-off articles) before they commit to a regular article as they will want to see what their audience thinks of your articles and whether they engage with it. Try to take a look at what some of their current regular writers and columnists cover off and match their style. Also look for gaps in the topics they cover and offer something to fill the gap. Hope that helps!

Jef Lippiatt added an answer to this question
Top voted answer
Jef Lippiatt

Jef Lippiatt, Owner at Startup Chucktown

I have mixed feelings about infographics. As a designer, I know that presenting information in a visual format can help make more of a last impact on people consuming the information. Also, some people are visual learners so you may connect with an audience that just doesn't connect with the written ...  expand
Jef Lippiatt added an answer to this question
Jef Lippiatt

Jef Lippiatt, Owner at Startup Chucktown

I do have several wordpress sites. However, I have also used LinkedIn (a while ago). I think their offering has gone down hill a bit from when they originally launched it. However, I do enjoy the Medium platform. It has nice twitter integration. I also enjoy the way you can highlight meaningful parts of articles to help you recall them later.

Brian Bijdeveldt added an answer to this question
Brian Bijdeveldt

Brian Bijdeveldt at Profitkoach

Hi Ananda, one way of testing out the effectiveness of content syndication this to start small and concentrate on one social platform to begin with. For example if you're already on LinkedIn this is a great platform for appealing to other professionals and if you put up good quality articles and posts ...  expand
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