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What is the average newspaper ad cost?

How much do newspaper ads cost nowadays?

Justin Gil

Justin Gil, Social Media Manager at The Foodie Basket

What is the average newspaper ad cost?

The average newspaper ad cost varies depending on the newspaper's circulation, ad placement, and day of the week. 

How much do full-page ads in newspapers cost?

1. Local Newspaper Ad

The cost to run a full-page advertisement in your local community's newspaper starts at $600.

2. Regional Newspaper Ad

These newspapers cover significant events in the regional area and amass a larger audience than local papers. 

Regional papers like The Canberra Times charges between $6,186.58 and $7465.39, depending on the day of the week.

3. National Newspaper Ad

A full-page ad in a nationally circulated paper costs varies depending on publication:

Sydney Morning Herald:

  • Monday-Fri: $70,752
  • Sat: 88,480

The Australian:

  • Monday-Fri: $51,680

  • Sat: $92,072

The Age

  • Mon - Fri: $54,400

  • Sat: $81,184

  • Sun: $59,104


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