Hatty Bell
Hatty Bell Executive Assistant at Country Road Group

How are you managing your mental health as a business owner or entrepreneur?

Over the past couple of years, bushfires, floods and COVID-19 have conspired to create a particularly difficult environment.

And, while we’ve been blown away by the resilience shown by the small business and startup communities, we know things aren’t getting better for everyone.

For those looking for support, this article lists a few resources available to you: https://www.smartcompany.com.au/coronavirus/mental-health-resources-entrepreneurs-small-business/


I'd love to hear if you have used any of them? Do you have any other resources or methods you can recommend to others facing challenging times?

Top voted answer
Mehvish Patel

Mehvish Patel, Content Creator at Zen Media

I agree with @Tom Valcanis . Journaling has been a huge help to get through these tough times. Being honest in your journaling and pouring out all those concerns, new truths, and just how you're feeling helps destress a bunch. 

Hatty Bell

Hatty Bell, Executive Assistant at Country Road Group

Journaling is great! I've just started doing this and I love it so far. Do you journal on a morning or evening?

Mehvish Patel

Mehvish Patel, Content Creator at Zen Media

I journal in the morning to lay out my plans for the day and kind of detox before getting into any work or school. I am trying to journal more at night so as to keep a record of my day to day, but it's not going too well!!

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Tom Valcanis

Tom Valcanis, Copywriter at I Sell Words

I manage it in a few ways, and the first one is talk to people. If something doesn't feel right, ask someone you trust and talk it out. No, they might not understand. But at least you will get it off your chest. Join a support group, see a counsellor, do whatever suits you best.

Second, journal. Keep a daily (or near enough) journal. Opening up by writing things down is not only good for tracking your own progress but getting clarity on your thoughts.

Third, tell the truth. Tell it to yourself, tell it to your loved ones, tell it to everyone around you, as hard as it seems. If you say "Oh, I tell the truth 90% of the time..." Well, how do I know I'm getting the 90% or the 10% that's BS? Truth is the currency of business. Hiding things, being dishonest, pretending everything's alright...reality always kicks down the door of fantasy. Always. Truth isn't a convenience, it's a winner's mindset.

All three elements are explained much better in the following books, which I recommend every businessperson read:

A Rational Guide To Living by Drs. Albert Ellis & Robert Harper, Ph.D
The Situation Is Hopeless, But Not Serious by Dr. Paul Wazlawick, Ph.D.
The Obstacle is The Way by Ryan Holiday
Daring Greatly by Dr. Brene Brown, PhD.

Hatty Bell

Hatty Bell, Executive Assistant at Country Road Group

Totally agree @Tom Valcanis . Having a community or support group is so important. That's what SavvySME is here for! I've just finished Daring Greatly - such a brilliant book.

Yee Trinh

Yee Trinh, Cofounder at SavvySME

Thanks for the book recommendations @Tom Valcanis . Have heard of Daring Greatly as well. Will add to my reading list!

Agree with your points, especially regarding the support network in whichever shape or form that comes. It takes a village to raise a baby and a community to build a business in my opinion. 

Jamie Bone

Jamie Bone, Director at ICS Technologies

Top 30% Online Business

"Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way..." - Pink Floyd.

I'm not doing anything differently to what I have done in the past. We have ups and downs. Downs don't instantly mean depression it's just normal. I much prefer being out on site doing things than being in the office but at the same time it's nice to be able to get on top of things that have slipped down the To Do list.

The monthly networking steak nights with about 20 other guys helps too...

Yee Trinh

Yee Trinh, Cofounder at SavvySME

haha.. how'd you come across your networking group? 

Jamie Bone

Jamie Bone, Director at ICS Technologies

I got invited by an old work colleague. You know how they say "if you feel you are the smartest guy in the room, you are in the wrong room"? That's definitely not the case with this group. There are some very high powered people there.

Hatty Bell

Hatty Bell, Executive Assistant at Country Road Group

Top 10% Advertising

Would love to get your thoughts @Tom Valcanis @Maya Zack @Steve Gray 


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