Health & Wellbeing Q&A

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Jamie Bone added an answer to this question
Jamie Bone

Jamie Bone, Director at ICS Technologies

Top 30%

"Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way..." - Pink Floyd.

I'm not doing anything differently to what I have done in the past. We have ups and downs. Downs don't instantly mean depression it's just normal. I much prefer being out on site doing things than being in the office but at the same time it's nice to be able to get on top of things that have slipped down the To Do list.

The monthly networking steak nights with about 20 other guys helps too...

Yee Trinh

, Cofounder at SavvySME

haha.. how'd you come across your networking group? 

Jamie Bone

, Director at ICS Technologies

I got invited by an old work colleague. You know how they say "if you feel you are the smartest guy in the room, you are in the wrong room"? That's definitely not the case with this group. There are some very high powered people there.

Anonymous added an answer to this question
Jessica Osborn

Jessica Osborn, Business Coach / Marketing strategiest at Jessica Osborn

Hi! We can all relate to that feeling when you're starting and it's all moving a lot slower than you imagined. 
However, just think, if the people you're looking up to now had stopped when they started, where would they be now? 
So, if you decide that this is the future you ...  expand
Anonymous added an answer to this question
Jef Lippiatt

Jef Lippiatt, Owner at Startup Chucktown

I think one of the first things to remember is balance doesn’t mean 50/50, at least not on a daily basis. You need to set boundaries so you can easily see when the balance needs to be recalibrated.
Also, you will likely need to augment your business so everything isn’t 100% reliant on ...  expand
Jef Lippiatt added an answer to this question
Top voted answer
Jef Lippiatt

Jef Lippiatt, Owner at Startup Chucktown

I would avoid all non-essential debt. Debt strangles your cash flow and makes it harder to live the life of your dreams. Focus your money on experiences not things. The experiences you'll remember. The things you'll use a few times and forget or get rid of them.

Ling Lee added an answer to this question
Ling Lee

Ling Lee at Digital Marketing and Personal Branding

Cassidy, I'm not familiar with Northcote's High St but a quick Google search has shown me what looks like a potentially hazardous art installation! I do agree that it looks dangerous (even more so now that I see a watermelon being smashed on top of it). However, the art installation is placed where people are not supposed to be crossing anyway - and thus the amount of backlash it has received is highly unjustified.

Paige Arnof-Fenn added an answer to this question
Paige Arnof-Fenn

Paige Arnof-Fenn, Founder & CEO at Mavens & Moguls

Top 10%

I have gottren a lot better at them!  Have enjoyed several virtual events and have spoken at online conferences too.    We have learned a lot about building online communities! 

Hatty Bell

, Executive Assistant at Country Road Group

That's great! It sounds like you have adapted well

Scott Yang added an answer to this question
Scott Yang

Scott Yang, Founder at

Top 20%

Google and thou shalt find.

I don't actually know broden personally. His account was banned but I suspect that he's still lurking around buying large quantity of cheap items from deals posted on OzBargain & resell them.

Yee Trinh added an answer to this question
Top voted answer
Yee Trinh

Yee Trinh, Cofounder at SavvySME

I like to have a routine day to day, but it's hard getting into a routine. I don't sleep much. ~5hours/day. I should sleep more but I like to get up early, get some exercise in, sort out the important emails and prioritise calendar tasks for the day. Ideally, I'll do the tasks that require significant thought early on in the day and do less cerebral work later on as I lose energy, but that doesn't always happen.

Jef Lippiatt

, Owner at Startup Chucktown

Thanks for the answer Yee. It is always interesting to hear how other entrepreneurs and business owners split up their days.

Lisa Ormenyessy

, Founder at OMGhee

​Hi Jef, I wish I could get by on the 5 hours sleep Yee has, alas I am an 8 hour person. That said, to get my day started I schedule accountability, conference, and industry training webinars/calls as early as 6.30am. I find the interaction helps me increase my energy levels. Im one to work flat out all day and then crash early evening, get a second wind, and then put some more in later in the evening. For anyone reading, its not sustainable over the long term - I just have four businesses on the go at the moment and it is what is needed in the short term. My perfect day would include some morning exercise too. How about you Jef, whats your perfect day?

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Anonymous added an answer to this question
Anita Van Rooyen

Anita Van Rooyen at Confidence Hackers

Great advice here... You can also support yourself and your staff with their mental wellbeing by helping them understand what's actually happening - from a human behaviour perspective - by checking out

I've set up this platform to provide online courses to support during this weird time.  Short, 15-min videos that offer practical and useful content, to help you understand and overcome the Pandemic of Panic and the Lockdown Meltdowns...

Here to support you... xoxoxoxox

Jennifer Martin added an answer to this question
Jennifer Martin

Jennifer Martin, Small Business Coach, Trainer, Author at Zest Business Consulting

Hi Wendy
I know I'm coming into the game a little late here but I thought I'd share some personal insight. I've been working with business owners for more than 25 years and tracking some metrics for the last 7 years as it relates to business success and personal satisfaction. What I have learned is that ...  expand
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