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How much does LinkedIn Advertising cost?

What are the average costs to run paid ads on LinkedIn?

Justin Gil

Justin Gil, Social Media Manager at The Foodie Basket

What are the average costs to run paid ads on LinkedIn?


The average cost to run paid ads on LinkedIn are:

  • $5.26 per click

  • $6.59 per 1000 impressions

  • $0.80 per send


However, this might not be what you wind up paying!


That's because several other factors influence the cost of running paid ads on LinkedIn. They are: 

  1. Target audience. The type of industry you're in plays a vital role in how much you'll pay for LinkedIn ads. If your industry is highly competitive, then your target audience's attention is in high demand. This demand will cause bidding prices to be higher than advertising in other industries.

  2. Ad relevance score. Like most advertising platforms, ad relevancy is rewarded with higher positions and lower expenses. Ensuring that the ads you create are relevant and engaging is a surefire way to be found and lower your fees.

  3. Bid type and amount. While you won't ever pay more than what you bid, you will probably pay a large portion of it. This is because ad auction winners pay one cent more than the next highest bid on LinkedIn. The prices of offers can fluctuate greatly depending on the type of bidding strategy you use. The bidding strategies are:

  • Cost-per-click (CPC). With this option, you pay every time someone clicks on your LinkedIn ad. This is a great option when you want to focus on driving leads to your page. The average, as previously mentioned, is $5.26 per click.

  • Cost-per-impression (CPM). With the pricing model, you pay for every 1000 you get; an impression can be when someone views your ad but doesn't necessarily interact. These ads aim to increase brand awareness; the average, as previously mentioned, is $6.59 per 1000 impressions.

  • Cost-per-send (CPS). This pricing model is useful when sending information through sponsored InMail. The average cost per send is $.080



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