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How much do radio stations charge for advertising?

How much do different radio stations usually charge for ad spots?

Top voted answer
Justin Gil

Justin Gil, Social Media Manager at The Foodie Basket


According to Radio Results, the amount a radio station will charge you for an ad depends on three factors:

  1. Ad length. The typical radio ad is 30 seconds long; however, you can buy 15, 60, and even 90-second ad slots. Businesses can expect to pay around $900 a week for a routine 30-second advertisement schedule in smaller markets and approximately $8,000 for heavily-populated areas like Sydney and Melbourne.
  2. When your ad is played. The timing of a radio ad might be more important than the timing of any other advertisement medium. That's because of the number of drivers commuting to and from work in the morning and early evenings. As expected, these two time periods are the most sought after and command the highest price tag. It's standard to pay $20 per 1000 listeners during these periods and $10 to $15 outside these periods.
  3. The day of the week your ad is played. Like the highly sought-after morning and early evening time slots, the cost of advertising during the middle of the week tends to be higher. That's because more people tend to be driving/ listening on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, as opposed to weekends. While the budget-conscious business might think it's best to advertise on off-peak days, the return on investment will definitely not be as high.
  4. Bulk discount packages. In our experience, many radio stations or radio advertising agencies will offer you bulk discount packages for advertising slots. This is a common practice and something you should strongly consider when advertising on the radio. That's because the more often your advertisement is played, the more opportunities consumers have to learn about your brand. Consistency is a key factor when radio advertising, and buying bulk discount packages will help you do that at the lowest price possible.


Radio Advertising

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