Eloah Paes Ramalho
Eloah Paes Ramalho Community Manager at SavvySME

Let's try a lead generation exercise together: how do you determine your ideal clients and where they hang out?

@Benjamin Lai proposed we use the following process to determine ideal clients and where they hang out:


1. Who stands to gain the most from your solution?

2. What size are they? (Annual revenue)

Share yours, and let's give feedback on each other's to narrow these down!


ak: one of my services is sales coaching - nearly everyone can benefit from this! However, my ideal client is an entrepreneur who has an established product. They are currently turning over at least $50k annually. This way, a conservative 20% increase in conversions would more than double their ROI within 12 months. Entrepreneurs tend to hang out in networking groups, so that's where I hang out too :)

Top voted answer
Minessa Konecky

Minessa Konecky, Owner/Founder at Direct to Success with Minessa

Oh dude, this is my JAM! 

I know my target audience VERY well, like down to their toenails. They are small business owners - women between the ages of 35-60+, but that isnt as relevant as the generation they identify with - they are GenXers or people raised by Xers or Boomers. They have low self esteem and doubt their contributions to the world. They are creative, driven, empathetic, and likely have a strong affinity for the woo. They have a chronic illness of some kind, are cannabis friendly, and love dogs. They likely have most of the golden girls episodes committed to memory and are really into self development. 

I find them in a lot of places - direct sales, small business niche groups, women's networking groups. I also post a LOT on my personal profile, because that's where all the magic starts on social media. The key is in the system that you use. I wouldnt think of it as lead generation as much as it's something that you do habitually every day. I go to groups, provide value. The leads come, but I am planting seeds of value every day. I find if I go LOOKING for leads, I never get them. If i create a practice that generates leads on it's own, they come easily and often. 

Benjamin Lai

Benjamin Lai, Director at Sales Ethos

That's great to hear @Minessa Konecky ! Yes LOOKING for leads is the art and science of sales. Marketing is the attracting of leads - (something I'm constantly trying to learn more about!). Sounds like you have the latter sorted!

Minessa Konecky

Minessa Konecky, Owner/Founder at Direct to Success with Minessa

I think its a difference in approach and style. Both are very very effective for different markets. It actually makes for a super interesting conversation I think, about the difference between the two and why one may gravitate towards one over the other. I never thought about it until we just started talking! :) Thank you for that aha moment!

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Eloah Paes Ramalho

Eloah Paes Ramalho, Community Manager at SavvySME

@Justin Gil @Blessing Ezenwa @Galit Ventura-Rozen and @Minessa Konecky  , join in on this exercise!

Gill Walker

Gill Walker, Owner Director, Principal CRM Business Consultant at Opsis

My ideal clients are these

  1. People ( primarily decision makers) in organisations that use Microsoft Dynamics 365, and want to improve their use,  return on investment or return on effort
  2. Decision makers in organisations thinking of implementing Microsoft Dynamics 365 - and especially those who realise the importance of education in a successful CRM project
  3. People responsible for booking speakers on CRM Success, or Microsoft Dynamics 365

Eloah Paes Ramalho

Eloah Paes Ramalho, Community Manager at SavvySME

Excellent, @Gill Walker ! What is their (organization's) budget for hiring consultants?

How do you go about meeting them? I'm thinking LinkedIn would be a no brainer. CRM conferences or training events. Where might be other places where they hang out?

@Benjamin Lai , help us practice the process you suggested ;)

Benjamin Lai

Benjamin Lai, Director at Sales Ethos

@Gill Walker your case is particularly interesting and challenging - are there any ways to determine who is using MD 365? E.g. Would Microsoft be willing to share that info with you?

Apart from this it sounds like you'd also want to speak to growing organisations who are still using spreadsheets and disparate tracking systems. (I happened to know since I am working with two CRM consulting clients on their lead generation!)

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