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Average hourly rate for Media Buying Agencies in Crows Nest, NSW 2065

min rate $198 - $2,000 max rate

Top services offered by media buying companies in Crows Nest, NSW

Radio advertising

Radio Advertising

Target specific audiences with radio advertising campaigns 

TV advertising

TV Advertising

Create compelling TV ads to reach a large and capitve audience 

TV production

TV Production

Produce and edit a high-quality television commercial 

FROM $2,000

TV media buying

TV Media Buying

Target specific audiences with strategic channel selection 

Radio media buying

Radio Media Buying

Target the right market segements and negotiate the best rates 

Radio production

Radio Production

Create a quality radio ad with script writing, voice casting and audio prodution 

FROM $800

Campaign analysis

Campaign Analysis

Analyse the performance of your TV and radio ads with key data insights 

Media Buying Agencies in Crows Nest

Producing TV, radio and other paid media ads can be time-consuming and expensive. Unless you have a solid understanding of the media industry and the time to run around dealing with sales reps and media outlets, you run the risk of wasting your advertising budget on ineffective campaigns. 

A media buying agency specialises in media planning and purchasing and can help you:

  • Identify the right channels 
  • Negotiate cheaper rates
  • Get better contract terms 
  • Save heaps of time with grunt work 

What services do media buying agencies offer in Crows Nest?

Media buying agencies offer a range of services including:

  • Media strategy 
  • Media planning
  • Media production 
  • Media research 
  • Media buying 
  • Campaign analysis 

Why should I hire a media buying agency in Crows Nest?

The benefits of hiring a media buying agency are:

  • Expertise: They understand the ins and outs of traditional and digital markets, audience segments and channels. They offer unbiased insights to help you get the best results. 
  • Negotiation power: They can negotiate competitive rates and more favourable terms and conditions on your behalf (often saving you much more than you could on your own). 
  • Efficiency: Media buying agencies do all of the heavy lifting including research, dealing with media sales reps, accounting issues and more. This frees up your time to continue with high priority and business as usual tasks.

How do I hire the best media buying agency in Crows Nest?

Here are some tips to help you find a media buying agency:

  • Determine your goals: Knowing exactly what you want to achieve will give an agency greater scope to help you.
  • Set a budget: Try to sit down with an agency to determine how much work is involved and work out a budget that satisfies both parties.
  • Contract terms: Make sure you understand the contract terms of your agreement. A good agency will be transparent and answer all questions relating to costs, terms and conditions, processes, etc.
  • Working style: How will they manage your account and communicate with you? How do they measure results? Make sure their working processes and style align with yours.

You can connect with media buying agencies in Crows Nest on SavvySME. Simply answer a few questions about your business to get started. 

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