David Bobis

What books would you recommend?

Would love to know what books you'd recommend :)

Top voted answer
Kathie Thomas

Kathie Thomas, Owner at VA Directory

What kind of books are you looking for David? Perhaps if you can give us a genre, or idea of what you're seeking so it's more directed at what you're seeking?

David Bobis

David Bobis at Charisma Works

Hi Kathie - I'm particularly interested in the self development and business space. For example, I really enjoyed Ride of a Lifetime by Bog Iger, Disney's CEO.

Kathie Thomas

Kathie Thomas, Owner at VA Directory

Not heard of that one David. Currently reading Peaks and Valleys by Spencer Johnson which is really quite apt for the current times we're in. He also wrote Who Moved My Cheese? which is another great book. Both are fairly quick reads.

David Bobis

David Bobis at Charisma Works

Hi Kathie, thank you so much ffor these recommendations!


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