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How do you combat low brand awareness?

What are the best strategies to tackle low brand awareness?

Gavin Heaton

Gavin Heaton

Building a brand requires sustained effort and investment. You can do it yourself or you can accelerate it using an agency. These are the steps I usually recommend:

  • Set objectives
  • Define your audience
  • Map their digital footprint
  • Build a content plan
  • Engage in conversation 
  • Commit to growing your engagement
  • Measure the impact and outcomes.


Shai Luft

Shai Luft at Bench Media Pty Ltd

In order to increase your brand awareness you should consider investing in paid media. There are more organic ways to do this but they are very slow and it will take years to get your name out there. Luckily these days there are very cost effective ways to increase brand awareness through:

- Video (remember those Grammarly ads on YouTube that were everywhere?!?)

- Digital-out-of-Home (you can purchase very targeted billboards digitally in specific locations that fit your business
- TV - Addressable TV allows you to buy TV spots digitally and only show the ads to those people that fit your target market.

These are just some examples but there are many more. All of the above are not just great ways to increase brand awareness quickly but they are very cost effective and 100% trackable so you can measure results from them and make improvements as you go to your creative, media buys and refine your audience targeting. Feel free to reach out to me if you need specific help.



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