Branding Q&A

Paige Arnof-Fenn added an answer to this question
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Paige Arnof-Fenn

Paige Arnof-Fenn, Founder & CEO at Mavens & Moguls

Top 10%
It is like asking how much does it cost to buy a car, well that depends are you buying a Kia, Honda, Lexus,  Cadillac or Rolls Royce?  They are all cars that can get you from point A to point B but the ride will be different.  You can crowdsource a logo online or send out a Zoomerang ...  expand
Jef Lippiatt added an answer to this question
Top voted answer
Jef Lippiatt

Jef Lippiatt, Owner at Startup Chucktown

I definitely agree with Hamish, but I want to push it even more. When you think of your business as a person, is it friendly or a rebel? Does it show up early, on time or make an entrance? Does it celebrate its own creativity or confrom to norms? These things Swill tell you a lot about your audience ...  expand
Phil Khor

, Founder at SavvySME

Wow, never of thought of cupcakes in this way - it's a refreshing perspective!

Edwina Gleeson added an answer to this question
Top voted answer
Edwina Gleeson

Edwina Gleeson, Founder at Max Gabriel

Having a great elevator pitch is helpful too.  Making it smart, snappy and short.

Mine starts with "I make real men look hot!", reels them in every time and it is done with a bit of humour, no one likes people that take themselves to seriously.

Wendy Huang

, Full Time Blogger and YouTuber at A Custom Blog in 4 Minutes

You got me! I totally am interested now :)

Carol Jones added an answer to this question
Carol Jones

Carol Jones, Owner at Interface Pty Ltd

Top 10%
Good morning Paula from rural Australia,
Steve Osborne is absolutely right.
No one can control what goes viral. It's just something that happens. There's an intangible component that the public finds appealing. And it's time sensitive. What appeals today. May not appeal tomorrow.
Why do you want something ...  expand
Yee Trinh added an answer to this question
Yee Trinh

Yee Trinh, Cofounder at SavvySME

Personal branding as a form of marketing isn't for every business or person. It takes a lot of diligence and persistence to build a personal brand.. and a knack/enjoyment for social media and public speaking. 

If you don't have the above, use other means to build your business. 

Personally, ...  expand
Ossiana Tepfenhart added an answer to this question
Ossiana Tepfenhart

Ossiana Tepfenhart, House Writer at Empire State Crew

A local branding agency has a lot of perks that cannot be found in typical outsourced companies. Most people find that hiring local, or at least within the same country as the business, is the way to go. Here's what you need to be aware of when it comes to the pros and cons of hiring local...
Pros ...  expand
Jef Lippiatt added an answer to this question
Jef Lippiatt

Jef Lippiatt, Owner at Startup Chucktown

I'll give you some insights from a designer's perspective (I do graphic, branding, web and user experience just to name some). Why is mentioning those disciplines important? They all factor into typography choices and ideas.
First you must think about your format (or media). Fonts that look great ...  expand
Paige Arnof-Fenn added an answer to this question
Top voted answer
Paige Arnof-Fenn

Paige Arnof-Fenn, Founder & CEO at Mavens & Moguls

Top 10%
It is like asking how much does it cost to buy a car, well that depends are you buying a Kia, Honda, Lexus,  Cadillac or Rolls Royce?  They are all cars that can get you from point A to point B but the ride will be different.  You can crowdsource a logo online or send out a Zoomerang ...  expand
Amanda Hoffmann - Certified Bookkeeper, BAS Agent added an answer to this question
Amanda Hoffmann - Certified Bookkeeper, BAS Agent

Amanda Hoffmann - Certified Bookkeeper, BAS Agent, Owner / Manager ★ Certified Bookkeeper ★ BAS Agent at My Office Books - Virtual Bookkeeper & BAS Agent

Top 10%
In extension to the statements above, it is very important that the business owner/strategist has a process to measure the success or failure that is accomplished. 

A gut feeling is simply not good enough. 

Most accounting software has basic methods to assist. 
Quickbooks ...  expand
Hatty Bell

, Executive Assistant at Country Road Group

Interesting insight @Amanda Hoffmann - Certified Bookkeeper, BAS Agent . Most companies rely on marketing for this kind of insight so it's interesting to hear that Quickbooks can also offer this too. Knowledge is definitely power!

What do you think of this approach @Jef Lippiatt @Phil Sealy ?

Jef Lippiatt

, Owner at Startup Chucktown

I definitely think working from real data is helpful. That can definitely give you insight into locations that are over or under performing. It may even give you insight into products or services that are selling well.
However, this approach does have limitations when used as the only factor. Because it won’t be able to tell you what products or services the customers in that area do want. If you just close the location, you may irritate other customers that really did like that location. Perhaps that location didn’t look to serve the customers specific to that region.
This is why it is important to stay close to the customers and their wants and needs. If you don’t understand your customer it is hard to properly serve them. 
Consider using polls and surveys to send to existing customer to ask them what they feel is missing or would like improved. Consider reaching out to the customers that spend the most money their to understand what drives them to that specific location. There are always many factors to consider when thinking about diversifying your products and services, or even your entire business.

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