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How much do brand positioning services cost?

How much is it likely to cost to hire a branding agency to work on a brand positioning project?

Top voted answer
Ossiana Tepfenhart

Ossiana Tepfenhart, House Writer at Empire State Crew

Brand positioning is one of the more difficult services that a branding agency can offer, simply because it is the art of putting your ideas into a more coherent brand message. It's the art (and science) of showing the world where your brand fits among a sea of others. You know---what makes YOU different. 

The thing about brand positioning is that it's not just one or two items. Your positioning turns into a brand statement, has an impact on your copywriting, as well as the overall tone of your brand's aesthetics. This means that brand positioning is rarely ever involved as a "solo" act. 

With that said, brand identity packages are going to be a pretty hardcore part of your marketing. Here's what you need to know about each tier:

  • Individuals and small branding firms will charge $5,000 to $20,000 for a professionally-placed brand positioning package. 
  • Medium to high-end branding agencies can cost anywhere from $30,000 to upwards of $60,000 for a brand positioning package as well as brand identity advising. 
A brand positioning package will involve you getting the following, at a minimum, in most places:
  • A brand statement
  • A statement of goals and benefits to clients
  • Brand tone 
  • Potential logo adjustments
  • Multiple consultations
  • Marketing advising (in some cases)
  • Iterations and adjustments as needed
Even so, you need to ask what you should expect to get from each package. Not all firms are alike, and having overpriced services can harm your company's bottom line. 



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