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Should I hire an app developer or DIY?

Would you recommend using an online app builder to create a mobile app? What are the biggest considerations when deciding to hire an app developer versus the DIY option?

Top voted answer
Ossiana Tepfenhart

Ossiana Tepfenhart, House Writer at Empire State Crew

The question of whether to use an online app builder or hire a local app developer is a tough one. I'll be honest. You can make some pretty nifty apps online and that makes it worth a try if you just want something simple. However, it all boils down to your budget and your needs for the app. 

Online app builders are meant to be easy, cheap, and fast to use. Though they have been pretty advanced in recent years, the truth is that these are not meant to be replacements for developers. They are good if you need a basic app and *might* work if you want to make a simple retail app for your business. 

With a local app developer team, you have a lot more options. Rather than having to stick to basic features and looks, you can get everything custom-made and bespoke. This is basically the ONLY route that you can use if you want to have a custom-made, enterprise-level app. 

Still not sure whether you should use an app builder or hire app developers for it? These rules of thumb can help:

  • If you just need quick features like Facebook integration, a map to your store, or a way to book appointments, you can stick to an online app maker. 
  • If you want to have full-scale app integrations (like making your own account, loading stuff from Shopify, having in-app games for coupons), then working with a local app developer is probably smarter. Even so, some of the features you want might be available on an app maker. 
  • Any time that you want to make an app that's a product you want to sell en masse, you should consider using an app developer team local to your area. This is often a job that requires full-time backup. 
  • A good rule of thumb to follow is that you should take into account how many features you need and how much customization you need. If you can tolerate templates, then you are not going to have too much of an issue with an online app maker. If you want everything to be made to the letter, you need a developer. 
  • Apps that require a high level of security (such as dating apps, social media platforms, or travel booking apps) may need a developer team simply due to the need to beef up security. 

When in doubt, try to talk to a local app developer just to see what they can offer. If they can't work with your budget, you might not have a choice in how you make your app happen. 

Ben King

Ben King, Managing Director at Aviato Consulting

You are going to have issues if you hire an app developer and get them to make an app. Kind of like hiring a single carpenter to build a house, you have forgoten you need a plumber, and electrician to actuall get a liveable house.

Same story with apps, you should always start with a UI/UX designer, this is basically a graphic designer who can draw out what the app would look like, I charge around 2k for this and am yet to see a customer who doesn't ask for multiple changes to make their app more logical, much faster and cheaper for a UX designer to update some prototype than to do it in code.

When you start the app you might see "full stack developers" who can do both frontend and backend, but they rarely do both well, so hiring both a front end and back end dev already has your team at 3 people which is way costlier than outsourcing to a team.

Once your app is built and you need to keep it running is it ok to have it supported when your dev is at the office? You can outsource this part also if using an outsourcing company it will likely be cheaper than you can get in Australia.


App Development

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