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How much does ecommerce mobile app development cost?

How much does it typically cost to develop a mobile app for an ecommerce store?

Top voted answer
Ossiana Tepfenhart

Ossiana Tepfenhart, House Writer at Empire State Crew

Ah, yes. The issue of ecommerce mobile app development costs...It's a doozie. Ecommerce is hot, hot, hot, and that means that you will need to pay a premium price for it. Any time you have an ecommerce mobile app development cost package in front of you, expect to see a big number. 

The median price for a mobile app development, in general, is going to be approximately $171,450. However, this is a bit of a misnomer. The actual cost it would take to build a mobile app with an ecommerce platform is closer to $5,000 to $7,000 if you have a shoestring budget and use an app maker. 

The bulk of the price is for mobile app development is going to be the labor for the actual developing and programming. Typical developers are going to charge between $30 to $50 per hour. Most apps will, therefore, cost between $55,000 to $130,000 if you want to make them from the ground up and want to have a medium level of amenities. 


App Development

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