Jef Lippiatt
Jef Lippiatt Owner at Startup Chucktown

Is your business tapped into the Shop Local movement?

In my community Shop Local is a big deal. There is great community support for local entrepreneurs and small businesses here that helps drive local business growth. Is it the same in your area? If it isn't, can you leverage that sentiment to help you gain momentum?

Deb Severiny

Deb Severiny, Owner at Deb at DJS Consulting

I have a lovely 65+ general store/cafe client who after 7 years of doing 12 -15 hour days 7 days a week and donating one of her kidneys to her son is going to shut shop very soon... Its been a long time coming and her main reason for giving it such a long go is because though she definately wasnt getting rewarded in a monetary sense she definately was getting rewarded in a community hub sense.

If you lost your dog she would know who had it.

If you lost your key she would have a spare one that you gave her for safe keeping

If you needed any information she was the go to person.

Neighbourhood watch have used her cafe for there meetings and when she had forced time off during and after the kidney donation her local community worked in her shop to keep it running.

Simply put they love her and so dont want to see her close, however she is spent completely, and due to the big buggers like coles and woolworths pricing small businesses out of any profit margin they could have, well its part of her reason to shut shop. So sad in one respect though Im sure she will receive more gratitude and love where ever she decides to place her self.

What an amazing brave woman at 65+ to have the courage to change direction so stongly in her life. I have such admiration for her and will miss her as a friend and client.



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