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What is the average cost of radio advertising the UK?

How much does radio advertising typically cost in the UK?

Justin Gil

Justin Gil, Social Media Manager at The Foodie Basket

According to United Kingdom radio experts WorkSpace, 


The average cost for a 30-second radio spot is between £20 to £1000 per week in the UK. However, the price for a radio spot varies based on a few things:


  • Where you're advertising. Are you playing your ad in London or Lincoln? The cost of broadcasting a radio ad in Lincoln is £25 - £100 (according to Best Radio Ads) while the cost of a radio spot in London is closer to £1000. As you can probably guess, that's because London has a wider audience reach than Lincoln. The radio station you choose to air your ad on also affects the cost of your radio spot. Stations that have more listeners can command a higher price. While you might not know where to start, I recommend dipping your toe in and starting small with a local radio station that targets the same demographic as your business. Setup a small radio campaign, then consistently observe and adjust based on your return.


  • What day you're advertising. The day of the week matters when you're determining the bottom line for your radio advertising spend. Advertising in the middle of the week on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday will cost you more than advertising on a Friday or the weekend. That's because there are more listeners in the middle of the week who are in their car going to and from work. I recommend picking a balance of both off-peak and on peak days and adjust your approach from there.


  • When you're advertising. Similarly to what day of the week it is, the time of day is important in determining how much you'll pay for a radio spot. The timeslots for a spot in the morning traffic haste or early evening drive home will cost you more than airing an ad outside those times. Again, if deciding whether to start a radio awareness campaign, I recommend starting small and slowly increasing as you can.


If you want to advertise on the radio consistently, it would be wise to ask radio stations about bulk discount rates. In our experience, it's common for radio stations to offer discount prices when an advertiser buys radio slots in bulk. This will allow you to advertise more and save on cost!


Radio Advertising

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