Risk Management Q&A

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Jef Lippiatt added an answer to this question
Top voted answer
Jef Lippiatt

Jef Lippiatt, Owner at Startup Chucktown

While I agree with some of the points that Tim has made, such as delegation (both through additional hiring or retraining existing employees), I disagree with removing the business owner from the situation (unless that is their permanent exit strategy).

First, create a decision diagram to ...  expand
Aishah Mustapha added an answer to this question
Top voted answer
Aishah Mustapha

Aishah Mustapha, Content Marketer at SavvySME

Top 10%

I think it comes down to two things:
1.       No point of difference or unique selling proposition (USP)
2.       High overhead costs either from rapid expansion or poor financial planning
This applies to a lot of bankrupt ...  expand
Steven Brown added an answer to this question
Steven Brown

Steven Brown, Chairman at Etienne Lawyers

A good start is reading 

  • AS/NZS ISO 31000-2009

Steven Freeman added an answer to this question
Top voted answer
Steven Freeman

Steven Freeman at Evolved Sound

Top 10%

If you're borrowing money it is prudent to assume the rate may jump 2-3% more (and have at least 3-6 months of buffer cashflow on tap to ride out some unpredictable rougher patches), so it needs to be factored in. As for the impact on your suppliers and clients, it's hard to mitigate and control that component - so it's all part of your risk management strategy.

Chris Cornish

, Principal Financial Adviser at Cornish Wealth Management Pty Ltd

Perhaps even more than 2-3% in this ultra low interest rate environmment. 

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