Franchising Q&A

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Veronika Adriane added an answer to this question
Top voted answer
Veronika Adriane

Veronika Adriane

Top 10%
Hi Scott, I'm glad I can help you with this one as I'm can share some information right from the source. I've been involved with the foregoing company for some time now and I can give you a heads up on the business development process.
Once you become part of the franchisees, you'll need to get through ...  expand
Tom Potter added an answer to this question
Tom Potter

Tom Potter at pottercorp

every business model is unique hence they need to be considered individually

Lachlan Handley added an answer to this question
Top voted answer
Lachlan Handley

Lachlan Handley, Director at FIFO Capital NSW

Top 20%
I myself bought into a franchise. In brief the pro's are:
- you are not starting completely from scratch, someone else has taken time to develop and perfect the idea and hopefully got it to a stage where the product / service is a proven success and can be rolled out
- there should be a proven and documented ...  expand
Tom Potter added an answer to this question
Tom Potter

Tom Potter at pottercorp

its all about the right people the right systems (simple) and constant maintenance

Gregory Ferrett added an answer to this question
Top voted answer
Gregory Ferrett

Gregory Ferrett, Editor at Monday Motivational Moment

Hi Ananda,

The investment in a franchise for the majors are fairly well defined. Are you planning to purchase an existing franchise? or a new location?



Stuart Reynolds added an answer to this question
Stuart Reynolds

Stuart Reynolds, Partner at Fullstack Advisory

As Deb said it depends on the owner.
A turn-key business might be had by purchasing the franchise but there will be still a lot of work in getting up to speed with the systems.
Your own startup may work just as well by modelling what is best practice initially and then listening to and evolving your business around your particular client base.

Allisha Martin added an answer to this question
Allisha Martin

Allisha Martin

Here is a list of 7 mistakes that we likely ignore while developing a FinTech application.(

  • Data Cleansing
  • Security Practices
  • Hard and Fast Selection of a Platform
  • UX Blunders
  • Accessibility
  • Optimization of the Onboarding Process
  • Experience Matters
Refer the blog in order to get deep insights

Andrew Snell added an answer to this question
Andrew Snell

Andrew Snell, Director at Coaster Group

Top 10%
Hi Yee,

An interesting thought - and one entrepreneurs face a lot, in my experience. (If I had a dollar for every time I heard "Surely you just need to sell more"!)
I think the first part of your question has been covered, the difference at it's core is control and freedom.
One thing that hasn't ...  expand
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