Customer Retention Q&A

Hatty Bell added an answer to this question
Hatty Bell

Hatty Bell, Executive Assistant at Country Road Group

Top 10%

Would love to hear your thoughts @Ryan Jones @Ryan Jones 

Jef Lippiatt added an answer to this question
Top voted answer
Jef Lippiatt

Jef Lippiatt, Owner at Startup Chucktown

For me it is convincing the audience to go from "liking" and "sharing" to actually making a purchase. So, I suppose the real issue is trying to determine how to transition from brand awareness to actual conversion.

Terry Chadban

, Founder/Manager at Port Macquarie Online Marketing

This comes down to mapping out the buyer journey, so that would definitely need to be covered in your resources, @Jill Brennan.

Hatty Bell added an answer to this question
Hatty Bell

Hatty Bell, Executive Assistant at Country Road Group

Top 10%

Would love to hear your thoughts @Ryan Jones @Ryan Jones 

Melanie Gray added an answer to this question
Melanie Gray

Melanie Gray, Managing Owner at MyCL (My Computer Lab)

Top 10%

I have had three clients that were 'difficult' in the past year.

Two were because I offered a discount or free service at one point.

The third was unforeseen.

I now do my best not to attract 'difficult' people to my business. I have clear processes in place and do not advertise discounts or provide free services.

Lisa Ormenyessy added an answer to this question
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Lisa Ormenyessy

Lisa Ormenyessy, Founder at OMGhee

Top 10%

Hi Amanda,

Another way to get around this problem in the future is to create a mobile business card. As it is digital you can make changes whenever you want and everywhere it is located it will be updated.

I have one myself and have been so impressed bought the software to be able to do it for others.

Cheers, Lisa.

Michael Simonetti added an answer to this question
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Michael Simonetti

Michael Simonetti, Founder and Director at AndMine

Top 10%

Yes of course, when expectations become unreaslistic, you should. Expectation management goes both ways. Otherwise they aren't expectations, they are demands. 

Yee Trinh

, Cofounder at SavvySME

Why did you break up with your client/s? 

Steve Osborne added an answer to this question
Steve Osborne

Steve Osborne, director at Stephen Roger Osborne

Top 10%

Ananda, as Lisa sys, it may be semantics, but the problem lies in the way the question is framed.No-one can "create" trust. You can't "make people believe in your products." Depending on the value of the product or service, people will only buy from vendors who are trustworthy. Low value, less trust required. High value, greater trust level needed.Trust is earned, not bought.I'm curious as to what kind of resistance you are finding amongst customers (or prospects) that is causing you to question your sales techniques?

Jef Lippiatt added an answer to this question
Jef Lippiatt

Jef Lippiatt, Owner at Startup Chucktown

I believe that some of the most basic building blocks of customer loyalty are honesty, transparency and timely communication.
It only takes one mishandled bad experience (notice the word mishandled) for a long time customer become a so long customer. One bad experience doesn't mean a good customer will ...  expand
Keith Dugdale added an answer to this question
Keith Dugdale


Great question.  The old Maister trust equation works really well to "test" how good the relationship is and whether you are about to lose a client.   That equation says that the extent to which someone trust you is a function of your Credibility (do you know your stuff, is your ...  expand
Yee Trinh

, Cofounder at SavvySME

So in short, you won't know when they're about to walk away. 

Jef Lippiatt added an answer to this question
Jef Lippiatt

Jef Lippiatt, Owner at Startup Chucktown

If you use gmail, you should give Streak a look,

I've used it before and found it helpful. But it isn't an entire CRM ecosystem, so pick one based on your specific needs.

Anonymous added an answer to this question
Amanda Dyason

Amanda Dyason, Founder & CEO at ProfitSmarts

As both Greg and Jef mentioned, you need a plan in place before you talk to soeone from these companies.  They are "hard sell" sales people and will pressure you into a deal you're not happy with. "If you sign up today, I'll give you an extra 5% of the commission" ...  expand
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